What payment methods do you accept? Print

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Currencies Accepted:

GBP - Great Britain Pound (For AliPay and EU only payment options)
USD - United States Dollar
EUR - Euro (For EU only payment options)
CNY - Chinese Yuan (For AliPay)
INR - Indian Rupee

The default currency is GBP, and all prices are based on GBP. Prices in any other currency is updated daily based on the exchange rates.

Payment Methods Accepted:

Debit & Credit Cards, AliPay, iDEAL, Buy now-Pay Later (For AliPay, SEPA, iDEAL, and other EU only payment options)
Stripe (For recurring payments)
PayPal (For Paypal subscriptions, recurring payments)
PayPal Basic (For single manual Paypal payment)
BTC & Other Coins (Coinbase)
Bank Transfer (Contact us for bank details)

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